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God's Call

Do you have questions about where God is calling you?

Discerning God’s call is the most important thing in our lives. It is God’s call that gives our lives meaning and peace. How do we know what God’s call is for us? Listening to God’s call takes time and exploration. Through prayer, talking with others and visiting different communities, you can begin to get a sense of where God is calling you.


Do you wonder if it might be religious life but you are not sure?​


Stepping into your questions and exploring a little does not mean that you are making a commitment. It just means that you want to hear God’s voice, speaking to you in the depths of your heart.

Do you have lots of questions?


The many questions we have can be scary – BUT – they don’t have to be. Step into the questions! Find some answers! As you begin to find some answers to your questions, you will find that you will feel  free and more able to move forward in faith and peace.


You have come to the right place!


Know of our prayers as you make this journey of discernment. May it be a blessed time for you. Take some time to explore our website. Hopefully it will answer some of your questions. Please know that we would love to talk with you about your discernment. Please do not hesitate to call.

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