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Steps of Formation

Have you considered a lifetime dedicated to serving God and the people of God?

Step 1: Qualifying Traits


  • A longing to Seek God?

  • A generous heart?

  • A positive outlook about life?

  • A healthy body and strong mind?

  • A desire to be of service?

  • A willingness to grow?

Step 2: Eligibility


  • Single, Catholic Women

  • Between the ages of 22 and 45

  • Have had no previous marriages or children

  • Whom desire to serve the people of God in community founded upon prayer, work and hospitality

Step 3: Request Information


If you are ready to take the next step and request information, we look forward to hearing from you. We have a dedicated vocation director here to answer any questions you may have!

Process of Formation


Becoming a Benedictine Sister of Our Lady of Grace Monastery is a process. It takes time to learn with your heart and your mind what it means to be a Benedictine Sister. The process of formation has several stages that incorporate you more deeply into the monastic way of life.



The affiliation stage can last from six months to two years. During this stage the affiliate becomes more familiar with us by visiting often and meeting with the Vocation Director to keep discerning God’s call. An affiliate continues to live independently. When she and the Vocation Director feels she is ready she can begin the application process to enter the community.



The postulancy is a period of eight months to a year. The postulant gets to know the community in a much deeper way by praying, working and living the monastic way of life with the community. She continues to discern with the Formation Director. During this time she does not work outside of the community but works inside the monastery while taking classes about the Benedictine way of life. After a period of approximately eight months she make seek permission from her Formation Director, Prioress and Monastic Council to move to the next stage of Formation.



The novitiate is a two-year process. The first year of the novitiate is a time of intense prayer, study and reflection on the Benedictine way of life. During the second year of the novitiate, the novice works part-time outside of the monastery in addition to her duties in the monastery. The novitiate is a time of preparation for First Monastic Profession.

First Monastic Profession


First Monastic Profession covers a span of three to six years. During this time, the sister lives as a vowed member while continuing study, ministry and discernment of a life-long commitment. She practices and commits herself to the vows of obedience, poverty, celibacy, stability and conversion of life. When she and the Formation Director feel that she is ready to ask to make her Perpetual Monastic Profession, she goes before the community to make her request. After the approval of the community, the sister may profess her perpetual vows where she makes a lifetime commitment to God and to the community.

Perpetual Monastic Profession


This is the final step taken by a woman in our Benedictine community. She vows for the rest of her life to follow the teachings of St. Benedict and to be bound to our particular community. Through her life as a Benedictine Sister she commits herself to seeking God in everyone and everything, every day of her life.

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